fall crafts special needs

Fall Arts + Crafts: Projects You Can Do with Your Special Needs Child

A great way to engage your children is through different sensory projects. Arguably the most enjoyable way to do that is via arts and crafts. You get to have fun using your brain and also come out with some pretty neat memorabilia items to store away and reminisce over later, or eventually turn into holiday ornaments for years to come.

The Lion King DIY

The Lion King DIY Projects: Creating ACT’s Summer Show Set

Lion by Edge Earth (edited in Canva) NNAAAAAAA ISAMMMBINAAAAA BABAHITI BABA Every year, our students at Achievement Center of Texas put on a Summer Show to showcase their talents and achievements. This year’s show is a musical production of The Lion King, and it’s coming up on Friday, August 18th, between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Our…