
The following sections describe our programs at Achievement Center of Texas. Our goal is to teach individuals the skills they need to be able to participate in the life of the community. We want our students to enjoy the same opportunities available to their non-disabled peers and family members.

Individualized Skills and Socialization

The Achievement Center of Texas is now licensed as an Individualized Skills and Socialization provider (formerly Day Habilitation). Here at ACT, we know that each student’s needs are different and we are here to help students meet and exceed their personal goals. We meet with each student’s Service Planning Team (including the student, parents, guardian, and agency) to discuss goals and outcomes that are important to the student’s success.

Community Inclusion

A large part of the new Individualized Skills and Socialization program is more community inclusion experiences. Our program offers two outings in the community each day that students may choose from, one in the morning and one after lunch. Students may opt to go on one, both or neither of the planned activities for the day. These outings can include shopping trips, dining experiences,  volunteering, movies, and other fun activities.

Educational Assistance

At ACT, we know that our students can only reach their full potential if we give them the opportunity to try new things. We task students with learning to write their own name, recognize the names of common items or animals and to complete simple math problems. Our education program helps students achieve their individual goals.

Building Self-Confidence

We remind our students every day of what they are capable, not what they are not. Some confidence-building techniques take place through art, karaoke and life skills instruction. Each time our students achieve more, they believe that there’s more they can achieve.

Arts Exploration

The Arts Exploration program developed in 2006 gives students opportunities to discover hidden talents. After 3:00 p.m., students have the ability to participate in our Arts Exploration program to help discover those hidden talents. They exhibit, perform or just explore their own creativity in Art Exploration. We believe creating art enhances our students’ quality of life and unlocks their hidden potential.

Sensory Lab

This lab offers opportunities for socially acceptable stimming and a place to relax and regroup. After behavioral outbursts, students can seek refuge in this safe space and regain their composure.

Life Skills Lab

Most of our clients are adults, and we want to give them the tools to more intuitively navigate the world around them. While in the center, students learn how to manage money, how to maintain their homes and how to keep up with daily hygiene regimens.

Behavior Management

Due to some communication barriers, we know that sometimes our students can become frustrated and act out as a result. Through behavior management training, we discourage tactile stimming, socially unacceptable behaviors and aggressive outbursts. At this time, we are unfortunately unable to service students at LON (Level of Need) 9.