special needs job skills

At Achievement Center of Texas, we have individualized projects designed to meet each student’s specific interests and unique needs. We have set jobs that each of our classes, with the exception of Sunshine Club, will be able to participate in. We have a number of activities to hold their interests and help them obtain special needs job skills. For example, we recently implemented the Volunteer/Pre-employability Skills Training Program.

What Is the Volunteer Pre-employability Skills Training Program?

The Volunteer Pre-employability Skills Training Program provides opportunities for students to work on developing the following skills:

  • Telling time
  • Time management
  • Following directions
  • Working within a schedule and set routine
  • Working as a team
  • Communication skills
  • Increasing confidence
  • Learning to accept constructive criticism and redirection
  • Developing positive attitudes
  • Responsibility.

Participants will learn these skills in both on-campus jobs and through community volunteering. They will have a schedule to follow, clock in during work hours, wear a name tag and a staff shirt (when volunteering outside our facility).

What Do Program Participants Do?

Depending on the assignment, the tasks may vary. Below are some tasks that program participants may complete during a shift:

At the Center

  • Assist staff with bus duty
  • Greet students as they arrive to our cent
  • Escort students to class
  • Escort students to the door at the end of the day
  • Assist staff during meal times
  • Set placemats and eating utensils
  • Help with cleanup after meals
  • Assist staff during snack time

In the Community

  • Sort food in a community food pantry
  • Clean animal kennels
  • Socialize with animals
  • Clean food bowls
  • Walk dogs
  • Sort donated animal food items
  • Picking up litter
  • Food delivery

All tasks at all locations will be supervised by center staff.

Are Program Participants Paid?

Unfortunately, we cannot pay participants at this time. However, we have built-in incentives for each participants, should they abide by program rules and fulfill their duties with a positive attitude. With appropriate supervision, we take congratulatory trips to Dollar Tree each month to allow participants to purchase an items of their choosing.

Who Are Participants?

We issue badges or T-shirts to each participant to recognize that they are “on duty.” Most students, with the exception of students in Sunshine Club (our nonverbal students who need full-service care), will have the opportunity to become a member of our program and will be able to acquire special needs job skills at our center and out in the community.

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