Please complete the following form to pay tuition, field trips, late fees or any other fees.

"*" indicates required fields

Note: Do Not use ENTER to move between fields, use Tab or Touch. As you make selections, additional lines will display based on those selections. The “Pay Now” button won’t appear until the “Credit Card” section displays.
Student Name
Please tell us the name of the student for which this payment is being made.
Payment Type
You may pay more than one item by selecting one or more boxes. The “Yearly Supply Fee” and “Enrollment Fee” are set amounts. The remaining items will create another field so you can enter an amount. “Field Trips” will display a second field so you can enter a description about the amount. Deselect a box by clicking or touching again.
This is the total amount of your payment.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.